Not the first Tactical RPG you should pick up, but it is one that is worth a rent.

User Rating: 6.6 | Phantom Brave (Limited Edition) PS2
I bought this game a couple of months ago. It seemed really fun at first, but later it just got monotonous. It had an O.K. storyline, but I think it could have been better. The part I enjoyed the most has to be the battle system though.

The battle system shines in my opinion. I like how it doesn't give you little squares that limit the movement and strategy of the game, but the fact that squares aren't used makes it hard to move around objects and get into attack range. The skill system is pretty neat to; you can fuse weapons (via fusionist) to increase a weapon's stats and take skills from the other weapon by using mana. You can also teach a weapon new skills and make it stronger by forging it (via blacksmith).

The story of this game is O.K. at best. It doesn't get too deep until you've almost beaten the game. Sometimes I even found myself wanting the cutscenes to stop and just let me play my game. None of the enemies you fight have a very good background, excluding Sprout and Walnut, and the main character is missing something that I can't put my finger on at the moment. Don't worry, if you don't want to know about anything happening you can skip most of the cutscenes.

I hate the sound in this game. The music doesn't sound very good, and the voice overs are mediocre. After a while I felt like turning the volume off and listening to music while I played, but I don't like to read a lot. All in all, they could have done a lot better on this part of the game since it is so important.

The graphics were O.K. as well. I have no problem with the way the characters looked, but I don't like it when I step into a wall everytime I go near it. They could have also animated the mouths a little bit to go along with the script. The only reason the graphics are saved is because I believe the style they used is really cool.

In conclusion, it's not a horrible game. You should only rent it if you like Tactical RPGs and need one to play after beating FFT or even FFTA 5 times. The thing that really saves this game is the great battle and skill system.