Phantom Brave - A Good Game in Theory

User Rating: 5.5 | Phantom Brave (Limited Edition) PS2
OK so, don't get me wrong, I know I only game this game a rating of 5.5 but I did like it, well some of it at least. :)

I thought the idea of being able to summon Phantoms and battle with them sounded amazing and at the beginning it was, but eventually it started to become really repetitive as all the battles are very similar and you wind up using the same phantoms repeatedly because it takes far too long to level up any new ones you create. This meant that I never actually finished the game, not because I found it hard but simply because it was boring!

Another thing that got to me were the characters - they are very very irritating! The voice acting isn't great and alot of the things they say and do is just frustrating from a gamers point of view - no Marona I don't want to make friends with the angry slime monster, I want to flatten it with my sword!

On the plus side the graphics are really different from most of the games out there, I bought the game purely because I genuinely liked the look of it!

I think I probably will go back and finish Phantom Brave at some point... when I've got the patience.