Diablo II, but futurisitc.

User Rating: 7 | Phantasy Star Universe X360
I played the game online, and it was very easy to get a party together, and kill a lot of monsters. The Single-Player mode is deep, but some of the voice acting is downright embarassing for others to hear, not to mention some of the bad language hidden in the game. But, I can remember one major flaw: when my brother was killing some online monsters, the game crashed out our 360, and gave it the 3 RED LIGHTS OF DEATH!! We had to ship the hard drive in for about 3 weeks, then about 12 weeks for the console to be repaired. And no PvP combat.

-Multiplayer is easy to find some online friends
-Single player is deep
-The customization options are great
-With these many weapons, it feels like Diablo II on consoles

-What the heck is with the monthly fee?!

The game is good for Diablo lovers or those new to hack-and-slash RPGs, but for those who hate either... eh, well, I'll leave it up to you.