Is the MMORPG space overly-crowded? Unfortunately for PSU, this is the case.

User Rating: 8 | Phantasy Star Universe X360
Phantasy Star made a strong showing on the Dreamcast a few years back. Back then, Phantasy Star Online was truly break-through. Though the battle sequences got a bit repetitive at times, it was a fun game to play and performance was smooth as can be. Sadly, today finds the MMORPG market quite crowded so this project was doomed to begin with.

While the game feels dated from the on-set, there are a few changes that Phantasy Star fans will appreciate. Sadly, for the average person, the monthly sub doesn't seem justifiable. It just feels like more of the same old stuff.

I love the combination of high-tech abilities with mystical powers. The only other MMORPGs that come close on that end are Final Fantasy and Anarchy Online. Like most other reviewers have said, the game doesn't do much to the series to really feel like a new experience.

Fortunately, there is an extensive online multiplayer demo on the XBox LIVE marketplace. Try it out. The game is an acquired taste. It's hardly a bad game but it isn't particularly special. Then again, all MMORPGs are looking alike right now.. Even World of Warcraft and WoW boasts the largest user base right now. If you're looking for a more unconventional MMORPG, Phantasy Star is worth looking at. For me, it's a guilty pleasure since I love the series (I played the games on Sega Genesis and loved them).