Another example of sega screwing up on GOOD looking games.

User Rating: 6 | Phantasy Star Universe X360
i dont have much to say about PSU, but im highly disappointed that the online is Pay to play. if you cant play this online (but you can play the demo online) dont buy it, please save your £10/15 and buy something worthy. if you can pay online. I guess thats were it counts.

I enjoyed playing the online demo, and theres no more monthy wipes. but i wanted to see what the story was about.

Thought im not a Phantasy star fan, i wanted to try the real game.

things i liked about psu

* The huge ammount of weapons, from daggers to greatswords, from spears to fists and handguns to lazer cannons.

* Battle system is real time and not turn based. much better than FF12.

* Being able to make weapons/armor/items with the stuff you find.

* The online demo, because its free but its not in the real game...

Things i hated about psu

*Why cant you pause the game in story? (when its OFFLINE),THAT is stupid.

*Not alot of save points. i have a good ammount of time playing this but when your in a rush (for example to go to bed) the next save point can sometimes be about 2 or 3 floors away in block b-1 or something.

*Far too much money (or in this case "mesta") to quicky, it kinda ruins the fact its a RPG.

*Monsters and npcs can be stupid (running into walls)

*Party allies dont do **** sometimes. (are often lazy or keep being KO'ed)

* Music often repeats and repeats, it gets annoying at times...

*The voice acting is BAD at some cases, Ethans voice actor is murder. (Ethan is ment to be 17/18 years old? His voice sounds like a 25 year old.)

*The story is murder. i seen stuff coming. and the voice acting ruined the good parts.


I havent compleated it yet but i think this game is one of the examples of sega screwing up in good games. If you want to try it yourself go ahead. i kinda feel riped off buying this. I was hoping the online would be free by now. But no...If it was i would have given it more points but with its lack of online (unless you do pay per month but im paying £40 a year just for XBL, i cant be bothered paying another £5 on this game when i might not be able to play it half the time! )

Thanks for reading, peace out. -Highwind 017