With its thrilling, survival- ish gameplay, Kong is one of the best movie adaptations ever made!

User Rating: 8.5 | Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie XBOX
Surprise, surprise. This game is actually good. There's a sense that the developers at Ubisoft actually cared about the source material and attempted to convey it in a game. With it's tension filled survival gameplay and dino- crushing bouts, King Kong is definitly more than a movie knock off.

The game is split up into around 40 levels. That may seem impressive, except they're all about 5- 10 minutes long.

For the most part, you will play as Jack who is trying to find his lost comrades, who crashed on another part of Skull Island. These levels are in first person view, and there are typically other characters with you, who can perform just about any action you can. You are also armed with a gun for the most part, but ammo is limited, so you must rely on wooden and bone spears, which are very abundant. The game furthermore encourages you to use as little ammo/spears as possible by allowing you to spear giant bugs to throw in another direction from where your going to distract predators. The spears can also be used as torches to burn bushes that block your path. This may sound lame, but the levels are well designed to take advantage of these things.

Other levels have you playing as Kong, and with the exception of the occasional frame rate disasters, they are pretty awsome. These levels may feel very linear and limiting, and maybe basic because your essentially tapping buttons repeatedly, but the idea of controlling a big angry ape comes through. The combat is impressive, but simple, consisting of powering up Kong (he beats his chest and lets out an angry roar), going into a button mashing frenzy (a heck of a lot of un- girly slapping), and in the case of large enemies, leaping on them to perform a finishing jaw- snap or wing- rip off(after which Kong will unleash another impessive roar). Also, as a powered up Kong hits an enemy, the camera goes into sylized slow motion.

The game also has great replay value, with high scores to beat in each level, and unlockable content that includes an alternate ending.

Visually, things look decent for a game made in 2005, but the sound is excellent. The sound immerses you into the game with screeching bats, skittering insects, and roaring dinosaurs (there's lots of roaring in this game). The voice acting is spot on as well.

This game is a great companion to the movie, but that's not why you should play it. King Kong can stand alone and can be enjoyed weather you saw Peter Jackson's masterpiece or not.