Some fun, here and there, but mostly just disappointing

User Rating: 7.8 | Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie X360
King Kong is a game I thought would be a good amount of fun, but ends up just falling short. The beginning is not really as great as I thought it would be and as a whole game, it really is not that intense. Except for the T Rex levels, it really falls short in all that it started out to do. STORY: Peter Jackson's King Kong told though a game is not exactly the best story but really puts up a good effort for a movie to game adaptation. A lot of the story has either been changed or reworked but the core ending is of course still there, and you don't really feel like it did justice to such a great movie, which could have been so much more.

GRAPHICS: The graphics were "pretty good". I have only played a few games, for my 360 so far but this was probably the one with the least amount. I thought it would have been a lot better, but the T Rexs still look good.

PROS: Kong plays like a giant drunken gorilla but he still is fun to play with T Rexs with!, There are some nice puzzles in it and the environment is quite lifelike, If your Jack, Once you hear a T Rex you will surely run for your life!

CONS: Very short campaign, the funniest times were probably when I was against a T Rex, yet those were pretty rare, it was either Kong killing them or Jack running from them, barely any replay value and no multiplayer, very disappointing ending and fails to be even intense, the first part seems intense but around the end it really fails to do anything new and just repeats itself in a flurry of new and shiny environments, that seem like you should have explored them a little more, with other weapons, other then the constant spear throwing, which gets old after awhile.

OVERALL: Its fun while it lasts but this game is worth no more then a rent, do to its, Very short campaign and very lacking in different weapons and intensity.