The best video game based off a movie ever made.Period.

User Rating: 8.5 | Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie PC
When you hear about a video game thats based off a movie, you involuntarily put it in the DO NOT BUY category. Most of the time I agree with that decision, but not with King Kong. King Kong really is as good as any normal game. It has great gameplay and storyline(even though the graphics could be a little bit better). The game itself is intense and compelling, dinosaurs practically jump out at you. If you get scared easily, this game might be terrifying. The whole game really is a survival genre in the middle of a jungle full of giant insects and dinosaurs. There are parts where you see other characters get killed and eaten by different things(though it still isn't as violent as the movie). The IS fun though, and you find that you want to finish the storyline in the game to see what happens next. The game is very fun and addicting though the whole adventure in Skull Island.