Perhaps the Best Movie Game Of All Time, If not it comes close :)

User Rating: 8.5 | Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie PS2
Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie (that is a very lengthy title for a game) is based on the 2005 Remake of the 1933 Classic King Kong (which also had a remake in 1976). The story loosley follows the plot of the movie, but since I haven't seen the movie that isn't much of a problem. At some parts of the game you get to play as Jack Driscoll, and in some parts you get to play as The 8th Wonder of the World himself, Kong. While playing as Jack the gameplay of that is of a First Person Shooter. And when you play as Kong it is in Third Person View. During the parts on Skull Island where you play as Jack, the player can use different types of weapons, such as shotguns, spears, sharpened bones, and pistols to defend himself. There are also some torches scattered around the island in which you can light your spear or bones on fire and light some grassy areas on fire to kill a swarm of enemies. While playing as Kong, he can kill swarms of enemies that Jack's weapons can't harm with his strength. He can grab and use objects/corpses as weapons. He can also bite, climb, charge, hurl enemies and even pound his chest to go into fury mode. When Kong is sent into fury mode, the sky becomes tinted with a golden hue and Kong becomes more powerful and less vulnerable to attack. A big role Kong has is that of protecting Ann. The game has a variety of numerous dinosaurs, such as Velociraptors, and the V-Rex, only Kong is able to kill it, you also get to encounter some Giant Crabs, Giant Centipedes, which I believe are called in Megapedes and Scorpiopedes, and some Giant Bats. Once Kong is captured and you arrive in New York City, the Jack Driscoll character completely disappears and the player takes control of Kong throughout the rest of the game once Kong escapes from being put on display on Broadway and searches for Ann who he eventually finds and destroys loads of Army Trucks. He finally takes her up the Empire State Building and tries fighting off some Army Planes but he is eventually shot down. A sad loss indeed. There is an alternate ending in the game where you get to save Kong and bring him back to his home of Skull Island, I think they should make a King Kong movie where they have this as an ending. The game has some of the best graphics a PS2 game can have, and the sound is very good as well, sounds just like that of the actual animals. King Kong is a great movie based game that I recommend picking up if you have a PS2, PSP, DS, Xbox, Xbox 360, PC, or GameCube. The game is also available on the GBA under the title of Kong: The 8th Wonder of the World. The game isn't very long but it is one of the best games of 2005 that is definitely worth taking a look at.
Overall: 8.5/10