This isn't the best DS game, but I thought it was ok overall.

User Rating: 7 | Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie DS
True, the game isn't the best, but I thought it was ok overall. The game is similar to the PS2 version, with a little differance. I thought the game itself was really easy, but it was still pretty fun. The game featured a pretty good use of the Touch Screen. I do think it could have been better, espicallly compairing it to the PS2 and XBox versions, but it was ok. In the game, you play as Jack, and you're making a movie. You're filming it on a island, where King Kong is at. The game pretty much follows the movie. I don't think it was worth the $40 price is used to be, but I bought it for $15 and I think that was a fair deal. So, you should either rent it first or buy it cheap.