! Why get a dog or cat when you can have your very own pet zombie!

User Rating: 7 | Pet Zombies 3DS
Of course I am a fan of zombie games but even I thought this was ridiculous when i first saw the game. Well i received it as a gift and so I played it....and could not believe how much fun I actually had.

If you ever played a sim game where you had to raise and animal, such as dogs or cats, then you would see the similarities right away. Your objective is to take care of a zombie by feeding, nurturing, and torturing you beloved pet. You start off with a limited item choice but as you progress through the game and level your pet you will be able to unlock more items. There are four different categories of items to choose from: food, toys, tools, and decor. You need to earn money to buy the items and to do that you must play the minigames. You get to buy brains and worn boots for food, a tennis ball to play fetch, and you can even get a flaming torch and watch your amazing pet set itself on fire. The higher level the zombie the more stuff to do will be available.

The good stuff: The large variety of toys and tools will entertain you for awhile. What could be more fun that watching a zombie chase a laser pet and then make itself dizzy. Depending on what items you use and how you use them will determine if you are nurturing or torturing your zombie.Don.t worry, zombies love to be tortured! Also, the silly actions of your pet and how they react to some of the items you give them will give you a good laugh. The minigames are also fun. They also added badges for you to earn by performing certain actions with taking care of the pet and playing the minigames.

The bad: You will laugh and you will have fun but only for a little bit. Like most sim games you can only take care of a pet for so long until you get bored. The game does have a large number of challenges to keep you busy but taking care of the zombie becomes very repetitive and you'll start to lose interest if you play for too long at a time. There are only 5 minigames which are fun especially when you get to fling your pet into the air and try to keep him traveling as long as you can. But with only 5 to choose from its gets old doing them over and over to earn money. You get to choose different zombies but there isn't much to creating your own pet you just chooses different faces and outfit colors.

Overall, I found Pet Zombies to be more fun than expected and I had more entertainment with this sim than I did with dogs or cats or hamsters. This is one of those games where you'll play it for a bit get bored and then find yourself picking the game back up and playing again. I do recommend playing the game however i suggest renting or waiting to it goes down in price.