Beautiful all around classic JPRG for old school fans and newcomers

User Rating: 9 | Persona 5 PS4

I have completed all Persona games before V, including 1, 2, 3, and 4. Persona game's are easy to get hooked on because they give you a challenge and real, personal stories to develop and explore. In Persona 5 you are a young male student who gets in some trouble and has to move in with a new guardian. At first, you are looked at like a bad guy and you don't have any friends when you go to school. As days go by and you go to school and meet new companions your characters really start to grow and then you will begin getting hooked.

Persona 5 always puts you, an ordinary person in unusual situations that you must deal with. Soon you realize you have this weird app on your phone and when you click it you go into the hearts of evil men and woman around the town you live in and this is how Persona tasks you with exploring dungeons. Each heart dungeon is unique and exploring them is fun. Just like a classic JRPG you take turns attacking and using skills with a team of 4 to defeat enemies. Pretty much the same formula if you played previous installments, and that is not a bad thing.

Unlike previous entries, Persona 5 boast awesome, stylish menus and cool visuals. Navigating through menus is a breeze and looks fancy. Words are bold so you can read all your items from a distance without having to squint. This makes juggling your persona's, items and equipment that much easier.

Sometimes though, I was like I JUST WANT TO SAVE THIS GAME SO I CAN TAKE A BREAK and it felt like the in-game cut scenes just kept going and going. It's not the biggest deal but I feel like sometimes you have to keep reading and reading text and pressing X so much that it get's tiring without some sort of a HEY WOULD YOU LIKE TO TAKE A REST NOW option. My only advice is that if you want to save and quit make sure you're not at an important story line part in the mission otherwise you will have to wait.

Bosses are a little different than usual also. There are usually multiple steps to defeating a boss. You can send one of your companions out in each situation to do something pertaining to defeating that specific boss. For example, I had to send an ally to ready a giant crossbow to take down a flying boss at on point. This makes fights really long but interesting fresh.

I'm noticing I don't have to grind that much compared to other entries and if I do I at least most of the time get to progress in the side dungeon where I can do side quests to keep me going and collect more masks and items.

Persona 5 is a great, stylish fun classic role-playing game that should not be missed because there aren't many like them these days that stand out like this one does.