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User Rating: 9 | Persona 5 PS4

Persona 5 is a breath of fresh air in this industry a game that is completly and total pround of being niech. A game dedicated to being its own thing. It has superb michanical depth in it's combat with a ton of options for a veterion JRPG player can really sink there teeth into with opions like baton pass and combos that lead to its all out attacks. Besides all the options in combat the games main strength is all the options to spend there time and a story that pulls no punches and goes as dark as you can go with out becoming tastless in stead every punch feels earned, because of the depth and loveablity of the games core cast of characters. There are some faults with this game mainly the game grinds to a halt for most of the secound act were your just going throught the rutine till the twist in the 3rd act which realy light the seat of your pants on fire till the end.