WoW'esk in gameplay but gets a little samey after a while and the boss fights/dungeons suck,along with class definitions

User Rating: 6.5 | Perfect World International PC
its another one of those jump(fly in PW's case) into a horde of mobs grind then move on kinda games, the only thing that really makes this game stand out is that it's free. I say that the game play is like wow because thats the easiest comparison to make :P the character builder/ movement/ actions/ are similar. probably the best thing about the game is its character creation system thinks sims 2 + crazy hair the variations you can come up with are immense i was actually disappointed that i had to leave the character creation and play the game. The game definitely has its downfalls, the job system has issues and its hard to make any money from it, and the character classes are so similar that raids get very confusing (and almost imposable for healers theres just no warning between someones being hit and there dead) the aggro system seems to be random at times you can be the other side of the room to a mob just minding your own business and it'll run through other 5 characters the same level as you just to have a go :P.. But to sum it up, it's free and well worth a try you should get a couple of days fun out of it at least.