Worth playing

User Rating: 7.5 | Perfect World International PC
First online MMORPG I've played, except for Star Wars Galaxy. I've played some of the old school single-player PC RPGs from pre-95 days. I've never been impressed as a rule with this sort of game. I really enjoyed playing D&D and Traveller (paper and dice) RPGs and tend to expect the same excitement from computer based RPGs. It's never happened though. Seems there is always some elusive element that a computer RPG just cannot capture. A guy at work is addicted t Worlds of Warcraft and keeps insisting that I try it. I don't want to pay for a game I may not enjoy an dI surely don't want to pay the monthly access fees. (I play SWG on my nephew's PC wince he had an account and was paying for it.) Anyway I was looking at all the "free" MMORPGs out there and eventually selected Perfect World Int'l. I have played it regulary since Thanksgiving of 2008. I have three characrters I alternate between. I love the character customization, amazingly detailed. The graphics are very good on the high settings. You have day and night with sunrises and sunsets and a full moon at night. Water effects are nice. So are the weather effects though they are purely cosmetic. Its not the greatest game around and sometimes grinding is very boring and boss levels can be almost impossible without either a large squad or a very high level player helping you. Dargon Quests often have a lot of just travelling between locations to deliver messages, but the scenery is interesting. The other reviewers who commented on the substandard scenery and graphics must have loaded up an early beta version. I say that because my experience with the game is totally different in a positive way. I like the multi-player cooperative aspect because it forces you to form squads and cooperate with others. This is good because I have established a number of online friendships with other players from around the world. Its interesting just chatting with them sometimes. If you're expecting something new in this game, I don't believe that you will find it. It plays much like any other computer RPG I've experimented with. Initially I didn't believe that I would be playing it very long or regularly, but I find I play it a lot. Yeah, as some say there are items you'd like to have from the boutique and for those you cough up real money. However, the game is perfectly playable without those items. Also, the game has an auction system and sometimes you can get Boutique items using game currency when other players auction them off. I've enjoyed this game more than I did SWG and its free fo rme at least. I realize that each has their own idea of whats good and bad in an RPG, so my advice is go get the client and just test drive it for yourself. A lot of the negative comments I've read here are currently NOT true. Some of the criticisms of RPGs are totally applicable and true. So, I give it a 7.5 because I love the game environment and the graphics. I thnk the character builder is great. All the classic RPG elements are there along with their traditional pros and cons. I don't think it sucks or I still wouldn't be playing it. If you know anything about Chinese mythology then you'll definitely find it interesting. But do keep in mind that it strongly reflects Chinese culture. In fact to view some file names you need the Windows Asian language support installed becasue they are using what looks to me like Mandarin traditional characters. It has a marriage system for characters. Male characters can carry female characters. Heck they are even allowed to kiss. I've not seen that before. I think that is original or at least unusual. So, just check it out for yourself and see what you think. I didn't expect to keep the game, but I did. You might too depending on what exactly you are looking for.