One of the best free mmo games I've played

User Rating: 8.5 | Perfect World International PC
Perfect world is a great mmo that's definitely worth playing for any mmo fan out there. Lots of deep character customization, as well as a decent amount of character classes. The world is large, and has plenty of interesting places to visit. There are lots of levels to gain and skills to develop, this is definitely an mmo I find myself coming back to when I want a good one. For a free mmo, the visuals are just beautiful, but mostly only if you've got a pretty decent gaming PC. The art style is very cool and very pleasing to the eyes. I suppose the only reason it's not a 9 or 10 for me would be the fact that there's just no perfect mmo. Perhaps this game could have been better if it had a more original combat system, although it is one of few that allows you to fight in air, water, and on land.