End-game brief war review from an old player in one of the local installations of PW.

User Rating: 8.5 | Perfect World International PC
Casual gaming aside(fashion, chitchat, sight seeings) let's talk about the hardcore stuff.

The game is all about equipment, how high your upgrades are, the level of stones you slotted in your equipment, the best of the best equipment you can get and what rank your character has attained. (Rank 8 separates the meek from the dedicated.)

The 80 vs. 80 territorial war is fun especially when you're in an active guild trying to get territory after territory weekly. The scheduling for attacking and defending these territories are randomly generated by the server. For clans with 5+ territories, there's a slight chance that they will have to defend 3 territories attacked by 3 different clans at the same time. Let's say 8pm on saturday 8:03 then 8:09pm for the next 2 clans. This is where Perfect World shines.. A clan can only house 200 members, imagine fighting 3 80 vs. 80 battles with only 200 members (just getting a 100+ online members weekly is a pain) Planning how and where to defend is a pain xD

note: The player community needed to Merge 2+ guilds into 1 in order to beat the dominating Guild in our server. There's always a way to crack the hardest nut out there xD

Let's go the Classes and their use in Wars
Each class has a primary role in every war.

Barbarians carry catapults (needed to destroy towers and central building of the opposing clan)
* There are also the battle-types, but catapult carrying is their main purpose.

Venomancers banishes enemies' buffs. (needed against werebeasts, since w/ buffs and invulnerability skill the beasts will be hard to crack) They also deal moderate damage nukes and have pets that hurt enemies with low def.

Blademasters utilizes disabling AoE skills (AoE stuns primarily to disable enemy mobs)

Archers and Wizards as primary damage dealers

Clerics for the much needed revival spell and heals Barbarians.

Players will need each class for their individual unique buffs in order to be effective in wars.

ex.: A Wizard needs the ff:
1.) Barbarian HP buff
2.) Blademaster's Def buff
3.) Cleric's Magic attack, magic def and def buff

If one is lacking in a party of 6, the Wizard won't war effectively.

In the end, the clan with the most active players with the most updated equipment and ups will have control of most of the territories, but then again, there will come a time where dynasties fall and students will eventually overcome their masters. Perfect World Territorial Wars is a wheel of fate, play it for fun or play it to be the best. xD

- Sylv Lvl 101, rank 8 Wizard

PW-ph player for 1+ years
Full buffs stats w/o burst:

16k physical def
11k-16k magic def
7.4k hp
10.5k - 12.5k magic attack
10% crit, -24% chanting time