A new free to play MMO that is both fun to play with friends and very easy to get the hang of.

User Rating: 8.5 | Perfect World International PC
Well, this will be my newest review in a while, so I'll keep it semi-brief, I guess. When I first heard of Perfect World, I looked at it and went, ''Pfff, yeah, probably just another WoW ripoff like the rest of them.'' Well, just for kicks, I downloaded it anyways, expecting to have to pay some kind of fee and just getting rid of the game after that. You know what? I feel awful for insulting it now, because I'm having an incredibly fun time with the game, and I don't think I'll be going back to WoW anytime soon.

Perfect World starts you off by making your character, choosing a class type (There are a few to choose from, from Humans to Winged Elves,), your job type, and then naming him/her (you will NOT believe how many guys in the game play as girls for...obvious reasons.) The character creation tool itself is fun. It reminded me of The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion a bit, with the options of being able to chose how big the characters built is, to nose placement, to makeup colors, hair styles, and a whole lot of other things just to make them what you want them to be. Once your all done, your plopped into a field that is a few steps away from your home city and have to do some quick quests.

Fighting in the game is pretty basic, as you are clicking on enemies and dwindling their health bars down to 0%. Depending on what class and job you choose, your skills are different. For example, as a Human Blademaster, you have a starting skill that does a quick flick with your sword. This skill, at the beginning of the game, will dispatch of most of your Lv. 1-3 enemies in a few hits. However, if you play as a Winged Elf Cleric, you are giving 2 skills. One lets you shoot a magical bow at an enemy (VERY effective) and another for healing. You really can play it almost however you want, as fighting goes. Either teaming up with people or doing it on your lonesome is the way to go in this game, but don't expect to be taking Boss Monsters (Or FB as most people call the quests for them), all by yourself, unless you REALLY feel like dying. Speaking of dying, the penalty isn't bad (Untill you are of higher Lvs.) You usually just lose the EXP you gained since your last death and or login. So if you level up alot, you don't need to worry much about death.

Now, if you've played WoW, I really don't need to go into detail about this. Just imagine a better graphics WoW that is free to play and you have Perfect World. Its got a semi-big make to explore, and some neat things to do on the side.

And now for my complaints for the game. For one, alot of the quests are dull. ALL the quests (and I do mean all) are either killing off a certain mob of enemies or running back and forth between NPC's for quests. Some are interesting (Find a woman's hair at the bottom of a lake was a neat concept), but if it wasn't for my drive to level up I wouldn't even bother. and that's the other thing about this game. After your about Lv. 15, grinding monsters doesn't matter anymore. The only way to Level Up efficiently is to DO THOSE QUESTS, as they give you more EXP than battling mobs would.

Another thing is the damn Shop in the game. This shop lets you trade real money for items in the game. It's NOT WORTH BUYING ANYTHING OUT OF THE SHOP! Some of the things they sell in there can easily be picked up or found doing quests. Hell, I beat someone who got all sorts of equipment from the shop with no sweat (I play as a Lv. 25 Blademaster currently by the name of Celos, if your interested.), and they got ticked later on. And you can also get married in the game, which is a HUGE waste of your real money. I pity the people who do, because the just spent roughly $20-$30 getting the stuff TO get married. Very very wasteful.

But other than that, it is a solid MMO that is great to play with friends and shouldn't be overlooked if you like MMOs. It's quite fun to go around monster killing and the such, and meeting other people and assisting them was never so fun.


Graphics: 9/10
This game looks better and clearer than WoW does in all aspects. Some clipping here or there, but thats it.

Gameplay: 7/10
Fun in its own right, but the quests are never demanding or even exact of where you need to go. Not to mention they are boring for the most part.

Sound: 9/10
Every sound is beautiful and the music feels very much like a fantasy world. Kudos to that.

Fun Factor: 8/10
Fun to meet new people and help them on their quests, but the quests themselves are the main problem.

Overall: 8.5/10
It's a fun MMO to get your hands on, and the fact that it doesn't cost anything but an internet connection is something that makes this game a real blast to play with friends or random people over the net. Enjoy yourselves!