Just as the title of the game displays, it is just perfect.

User Rating: 9 | Perfect Dark N64
Good ol' Perfect Dark. The game that every FPS fan was waiting for. After the release and the impact that Golden Eye 007 had on many people alike, Rare decided to create a blockbuster title that was certainly going to appeal to the masses and then some. Using the same graphics engine as it's predecessor, Perfect Dark had more of it's general elements but with crispier, less blocky graphics. Compare and contrast the two? Well, you can almost lay your bet on Perfect Dark looking like it's beefed up cousin that has a no-holds-barred attitude. You play as Joanna Dark. A young and skillful special agent destined to get behind the truth of DataDyne's dark secrets. As you make your way through the campaign, you are presented certain levels of difficulty that each provide it's own missions and objectives. You must complete each objective to continue but you may do each one by will, not by order. It makes each mission much more playable because it gives the player more breathing room to obtain and conquer each objective. The guns and weaponry are also excitingly different and compelling. Each weapon you encounter has a secondary mode of defense to it which makes the game much more interesting. Finding yourself in a sticky situation? Well, use the self-destructive proximity mine on your Dragon and dismember the opposition to bits. Having both the original Nintendo 64 and Xbox LIVE installments of the game, I was able to really appreciate what the nostalgic original had to offer and what the HD, upgraded version of Perfect Dark had to offer. The campaign, multiplayer and training elements of the game has this title down packed with great content for all first person shooter fans. Twelve years have passed since it's release and it still holds up strong to many titles produced today. If you're itching for a fun thrill ride being an agent that screams beauty, skill and power..well what are you waiting for? Wipe the dust off of your N64 or download it off of Xbox LIVE for a plausible 800 points and have yourself many hours of exciting gameplay.

Graphics: 8.5
Combat system: 9
Replay value: 9

Overall: 9