PDZ is a bland looking, buggy, shooter that came out way too early.

User Rating: 6.5 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
The Good: Joanna's hot, cool weapons and gadgets

The Bad: Everything else

OK all I want to say is what the hell? I dodged this game since I got my 360 on Xmas of '06 and now that I finally paid $4.50 for this game I feel like I got ripped off. The game is ugly, derivative, poorly designed, and buggy. The multiplayer is terrible, the shooting mechanics are flawed, and the story is retarded. If there's anything positive about this game it's the fact that Joanna is hot, there are some pretty cool gadgets, and that's about it. I wish I could stop my review now, but I must enlighten you.

When you start the game you are brought to a equipment load out screen where you can select your weapons, but you only get a pistol to start out with. OK fine cool, but once you enter you have no idea what's going on, enemies are hard to track thanks for the offbeat weird (not the good weird) art style, and the way you move your gun? I mean what? The thing feels like I moving it through mud. What happened to a smooth moving reticle? This thing like has drag on it or something because I could never aim properly in this game and I'm pretty damn good at FPS games with never having a problem aiming even in the worst of them.

Anyways, each gun has a useless secondary fire that you'll never use, the P9P has a silencer (useful), but the SMG is thrown as a delayed (a LONG delay) grenade (not useful). The Enforcer can bounce bullets around corners (not useful) so c'mon what is this crap? Even James Bond wouldn't approve of these lame secondary fires. Not only are the guns hard to shoot, but the AI is freaking retarded. All the do is strafe back and forth in the same line or just stand there staring at you. If you thinks it's hard to hit those guys try using a sniper rifle that uses the pressure sensitive trigger to zoom with a bolt action? What super spy has a bolt action sniper rifle? What happened to ten round clips? Hell even the Germans figured that one out.

OK, if you think the action levels are hard try the stealth levels. Its so hard to see enemies and to kill them stealthly that you'll just get pissed and gun through the level. There is so much trial and error it's obsurd even Metal Gear doesn't have this much T&E. Yes there are some cool gadgets like the Locktopuss, but who plays a mini-game on this thing when people are shooting at you? And a puzzle on a demo charge to place it?! Joanna's gadget creator needs to be fired because super spies don't have time for that. I haven't even gotten to the most frustrating part yet...the checkpoints. There is one in each level so if you spend 30 minutes sneaking through a level then get caught, but completed two objectives you're screwed and have to start over again. That is the main reason why I stopped playing after level six.

If you thing the single player is lame try the multiplayer where somehow is looks even uglier than the single player. Not only there are only two modes, but the game types are random and just stupid. You have deathmatch, and team deathmatch, then you have other modes that are never explained and make no sense. The players move extremely slow and have that running floating effect like old PS2 games, the aiming sucks even more thanks to it somehow being more sticky, the maps are terribly designed, with dead ends and tons of empty rooms and halls, plus there being no jump button? Plus all the achievements are wrapped around the multiplayer (yes all but TWO!) and there's no one playing online!

If you think that's even worse the game is ugly and probably the ugliest Xbox 360 game to date (ok ONE of the ugliest). I mean this game looks like a really good Xbox game with shiny plastic flat textures, and just old looking animations. I honestly think this is the most disappointing Xbox 360 game I've ever played so everyone should just stay away.