Perfect Dark Zero is good.... But Perfect Dark N64 I think still holds the title.

User Rating: 6.5 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
Perfect Dark Zero is a great FPS to get if you get your first 360, It's gameplay is pretty simple and it will pretty much teach you what the FPS's will be like on the 360. The story is set before the events in the N64 version of Perfect Dark where Joanna first joins the Carrington Institute in a bid for revenge against Mai-Hem; DataDyne's manager's daughter who kills Joanna's father.
The Skedar are possibly mentioned in a scene later on in the game but no one except Jonathan and Mr Carrington from Perfect Dark N64 makes an appearance.
The gameplay is ok and graphics are fine, Music is great but for some strange reason it feels a little rushed for the 360's launch?
Either way, Its only my opinion so dont let it discourage you if you want to get it.
Perfect Dark Zero is a good game that will stay with you on your shelves until the next best thing comes.