Perfect Dark Zero is a 360 exclusive that crams features of the best first person shooters all in one game.

User Rating: 9 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
Don't believe the reviewer below me. He's clearly just a bit annoyed that this game was released only on 360 and not wii.

Believe me, this game is more than it seems. I picked it up not because of the somewhat high ratings and positive reviews, I bought it because of the cheap price tag. Seriously, I got it pre-owned for £2.99! To be perfectly honest, I couldn't care whether it would be good or a total disaster because either way it was another game on my 360 game shelf for a bit of loose change. So I picked it up not expecting much from it.
The first thing I noticed about the game is how tight it all is. The animation is very fluid, the gunplay is solid and satisfying, the blood particle effect is decent and the ai are great. The physics are also very impressive; each thing you shoot will respond in a very realistic manner.
Well, I thought it was a solid game but to be perfectly honest, I didn't think it was anything special and so stopped playing after 10 minutes. Later on, I began to realise that I had been neglecting my 360 and so decided to turn the beautiful little monster on and I played the game which I had left in there last, Perfect Dark Zero.
I started the game again and after quickly clearing the generic sort of sci-fi level I had unlocked the next level. I stared at the ceiling for a while and thought to myself, can I really be bothered to continue....? Well, to cut a long story short....I did.
The next level is set in an urban sort of night club/bar. You infiltrate the place and shoot some guys up, etc, etc.
It all sounds a little mundane, doesn't it.....
Well think again. You will blast your ways through many enemies, slide down ziplines, smash through glass, pump some bullets into the bottles and glasses by the bartender, dive and evade enemy fire, beat some people up and basically go crazy...while fulfilling your mission.
The game really is very enjoyable. The animation is superb, the physics are excellent, the gunplay is tight, the game mechanics all work well, there is variety in gameplay (eg: shooting, hacking, punching, exploding, driving, etc), the level design is stunning, the graphics are great, the overall interaction with the environments is quite good and the game on the amazing.
Don't even get me started on multiplayer because it's off the charts!

Ok, now you are wondering...why did I give this 9/10 and not 10/10?
I chose 9 because of these following things:
*The game is slightly linear
*It has a slightly weak start (bad first impression)
*The load times are moderately long
*Explosions are rather tame and uninteresting

Other than that, the game is very solid and seriously addictive. Definately check this one out, especially at this's a must -have.