great coop game and great shooter

User Rating: 9.5 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
This is an excelent game its graphics may not be the best but come on its was one of the first 360 games. So the story starts out as your Johanna Dark and your this wierd kind of bounty hunter girl.
Other things this games is cool about is that the weapons are killer in this games. This game has a wide variety of weapons. Weapons from the the past to the present but some wepons are kind of made up.
The great thing about this game would have to be the coop in this game its not like halo 3 coop were you have the same mission its when you start at differnt places and have different missions to complete and there puzzles that you have to do things togeather to get to the next level or checkpoint.
So overall if you have a budy coming over go to the local gamestop and pick this one up I got it for only 8 bucks thats almost less than going to rent it. So this diffently is a bye cheap game amazing story great weapons great coop story and did I mention its a cheap game.