Eternal Classic with stacks of hours worth of game play.

User Rating: 8.5 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
I brought Perfect Dark Zero second hand for under $20 and have easily got $100 worth of value out of it. The graphics aren't flashy, but what it has it does well. The graphics are dated but run really smooth as it has a low polygon count. The best part of the game is its multiplay which if you love the N64 version you will absolutely love this. The multiplayer mode also has no lag which is GREAT!!! The story mode is entertaining as well. It also has a co-op mode so you can work through the story line with a buddy.

The guns are well rounded and it seems to make no real difference if your carrying a shot gun or a pistol. They Laptop guns are always entertaining as you can set them up as sentry guns. But ultimately you just get close and butt whip to win.

Well worth picking up a copy it is a lot of fun.