This game is worth it. I paid 8 bucks for it at ebgames.Great multiplayer.

User Rating: 9 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
First off it is a great game.Ther campaign isn't as good as the multiplayer.Multiplayer-9/10- campaign-8/10-controls-9/10.On the campaign.It is intesting but not the best turns out.Definitely worth the money.The campegn i don't think they put as much as thought into that as they did into the multiplayer.The multiplayer is great.It has great maps, great modes, and great AI's.The Zombie mode is my favorite in dark ops.It is one of the most parts I play on this game.The killcount is awsome also.But it is cool with the Ai's because they're not really stupid.Against the Ai's you will still die sometimes.The weapons are great in this game too!This game is a must have for the 8 bucks! It is really fun, but also a great achievement game.One thing that is also awsome is that when you play zombie they are actually skeletons. The pistols are pretty good in this game to.I use them a lot in zombie untill i buy or find a atomatic.Automatics are beasts in this game.