Long reloading ruins the flow of action, Bad Multiplayer Maps, Uninteresting plot and environments, but still okay.

User Rating: 7 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
This is one of the first games to come out for the Xbox 360 and I think it was the first fps for the 360 as well. Even though it was next generation at the time the gamespot review was written, it doesn't mean it's as great a game as they say.
Some Xbox Live multiplayer maps are wide open, barren fields and our character is too slow to run over to the other side of the map where everyone is getting in on the real action. Although there are teleporters after you respawn, it is not very specific as to where each one goes to.
The story is just boring and uninteresting and gives you no motivation to do the mission you are given. It is also easy to get lost and talks quite a while to wait for arrows directing you to your objective to appear.
Enemies take a little too long to die as they always crouch over in pain and get up when they are still alive or fall over when they are dead. It is a waste of time to wait and see if the enemy is dead yet when dozens of others are shooting at you.
The protagonist also takes a fairly long amount of time to reload her gun which is very inconvenient when you are on the verge of death in the heat of a fire fight.
Plain and simple: Once you go 'Orange Box' you never go back.