Perfect Dark Zero is a good shooter, but there are way better shooters out there to play.

User Rating: 5 | Perfect Dark Zero X360
Perfect Dark Zero was one game that I really wanted to get for the Xbobx 360. I thought the demo was pretty good, and when I picked it up at the store, I could not wait to get home to play it. But perfect Dark Zero was a bit of a disapointment.

One thing about Perfect Dark Zero is the game does not get fun and interesting until about the ninth Mission, the first mission are really boring.

The stroy is that this company called Data Dyne is trying to find this thing, that is suppose to generate loads of power. This one guy is trying to get ahold of it, so he can become a God. So you go through a bunch of mission shooting up Data Dyne soldiers.

The game play is pretty much the same as all first person shooters. You run through levels shooting guys. This game does nothing to change the first person shooter ganera. There is a cover system, where you can take cover behind something while in third person. But Perfect Dark Zero does have some cool gunfights in it that can get pretty intense.

The graphics in Perfect Dark Zero look alright. Compared to other games that came out in that time like CoD 2, Perfect Dark Zero's graphics look dated.

The sound in this game is not that good. The music gets on my nerves, especialy when I was trying to listen too a message fro one of my friend's, and I could not hear him because the music was too loud. The voice acting is worse though. Some of the charaters have really fun sounding voice that will get on your nerves after a few times you hear them speak.

The multi player in Perfect Dark Zero is really kind of fun, you have a few modes. Deathmatch, team deathmatch, dark ops, etc. THe modes in the game are pretty fun, and will keep you entertained for awhile, but this multi player comes no where close to touching other games multi player back in that time period liek CoD 2 or FEAR.

Perfect Dark Zero is a good game, that is brought down by game play, graphics, and sound. But over all this was not bad for 10 bucks.