Definately best horror game so far.

User Rating: 9 | Penumbra: Overture PC
The thing that love the most about Penumbra is that the solutions to the riddles and problems are logical. For instance, you don't have the key to a box, just force it open, unlike the standard adventure games, where you have to do 50 other things to get that bloody key. When you want to jump over something, you don't have to torture your brain with inventing a very unreal complicated device. You just bring yourself a crate or a barrel and jump. Having said that, there are some riddles on which you do have to think a bit, but my pint is, that the solutions are mostly logical, so all that abstract thinking one has to apply in standard adventure games, are not really applicable here. There is one instance where in order to decode a message you just have to check the Morse code and play with it a little.
The climate of the game is also brilliant, the dark corridors of the mines, through which you have to move carefully, watching out for the dogs. You can't see a thing but you know that if you turn a flashlight on, the dog might come and attack you. Loved the fact that the character gets nervous when looking at enemies and the camera goes crazy.
The only reasons why I gave the game a 9 is the story, which does not make much sense and was rather an excuse on how to put a character in the mines and well, the graphics were not all that impressive.
To sum up, brilliant climate and enjoyable riddles are what made Penumbra my favourite adventure game and so far there hasn't been anything better.