A unique and fresh touch on the puzzle game genre, with a lot of insane scenarios and great music to spice it up.

User Rating: 9 | Peggle Deluxe PC
Peggle is a game that redefines crazy and lots of fun, all in the same game. While the gameplay itself is quite simple, then it's very challenging, and you'll sometimes struggle to complete the levels. But once you do, the sense of accomplishment is amazing. Peggle Deluxe is a puzzle game, and like many other puzzle games, it's very simple minded. What makes Peggle different, is that it's got a lot of extra things, and tweeks to make the gameplay different from level to level. Not only is the level design many and quite varied, but there are ten different characters to choose from, and each have it's own special ability to help you out.

The main point of this game, is to get rid of all the 'Pegs' on the screen. They come in two shapes: Circles and rectangles. To get rid of these, you have a sort-of Gun placed on the top of the screen, and with that gun, you're able to shoot forth little metalic balls, which will make the pegs glow each time it hits one, only to make them disappear once the ball is gone.
The challenging part is, that you only have a limited amount of balls available. Luckily, there's no time limit. However, there are still a lot of Pegs to get rid of, so you'll have to plan every shot nicely, to get the maximum amount of points, and to clear the screen of pegs.

Now, there are usually tons of Pegs on the screen every level, but you don't actually need to clear all of them. The Orange ones are the ones that gives you a point boost. (Doubles, triples and so on the amount of points you get every time you hit a peg.)
Once you've cleared all the orange ones, the level will be finished. When you're shooting at the last orange peg, the ball will continue in Slow-Motion once it gets close, and if you hit, some classic music will appear, and the buttom of the screen will turn into tiny 'Baskets', five of them which will reward you with a certain amount of extra points. The closer you are to the middle, the more extra points. The other pegs are blue, most of them, but there are certain green ones. The blue pegs are the usual, boring pegs, you could say. They do nothing special but block your way to the orange pegs, but they do of course add points for every blue peg you hit, even though it's merely a tenth of the orange pegs points, then the amount of blue ones makes up for it. The green pegs activate your special ability. There are ten different ones, and you can unlock them all in the Adventure mode, which is quite lenghty. Superguide, Zen-Ball, Fireball, Multiball.. These are only a few of the many, and you can choose which one to use everytime you start a level, even in the Challenge mode or Dual Mode.

There are four different modes to play. Adventure mode, which is your main one, and will guide you through a tiny story scenario and will allow you to meet every character in the game, and try their special abilities. Quick Play, which allows you to quickly get into a game of Peggle. Dual Mode in which you can play against a friend, or against the computer. And last but not least, Challenge mode where there are a lot of different challenges, such as clearing 35 or 45 orange pegs with the ordinary amount of balls and so on. The music in Peggle is absolutely outstanding. Not only is it insane and well organized and fits whatever happens so perfectly, that you can nothing but laugh. The graphics are, for a puzzle game, awesome. They're very colorful, well thought-out and just brings a unique feel to the game.

Overall, Peggle Deluxe is an absolutely great puzzle game. If you've got a bit of crazy humor and tend to like things that are a lot of fun, Peggle is the game for you. For $10, this game is more than worth it, and I'd highly recommend it to everyone who likes puzzle games, or just a few minutes of fun every now and then. (Or occasionly hours of gaming, which can be enjoyed in Peggle too.)