A creative and fresh game

User Rating: 8.4 | Peggle Deluxe PC
Popcap games usually have a great gameplay and give new feelings to players, and this is not an exception. At the beginning, it seems that this is a quite silly game that only consists of shooting the ball and staring at the ball pointlessly until it drops out of bounds or into the free ball busket. Yet this is absolutely not true! Actually, guess what, looking at the ball falling down is more fun than you can imagine lol. The sound when the ball hits the pegs or bricks is incredible, it is simply great to hear the pitch goes up and up until it stays at a high pitch, meaning you have hitted a lot of pegs that turn! And it is fun to look how lucky you are (of course this only happens when you ARE lucky).

Undeniably this is a game that depends on luck very much. However your skills still help in a lot of ways. If you can calculate the angle that hit many pegs it does help of course(and your skills do get better as you play more).

The modes also give the game a longer time of interest. After the adventure mode you may access to the challenge mode to challenge those challenges! (lol what sentence is this the word 'challenge' appears three times) There are 75 challenges in total so it does burn some of your time to beat all of them (some are really difficult and require some luck ;P). After you beat all the challenges you can still go for a higher rank by clearing all the pegs(not only the orange ones) in all levels(which I still haven't achieved to date).

Anyway this is a great game that allow you to relax but have excitement at the same time. It worths your money and try this out if you believe me and believe this review =P.