A great game, if don't mind random encounters...

User Rating: 8.5 | Parasite Eve PS
Parasite Eve was one of the first games I remember playing, and its no wonder why I still remember!
Firstly, the story is truly one of a kind. I haven't seen anything like it in all my gaming years. The mitochondria of a cell taking control of the body, making kick ass mutations well at it, great. The only thing that could have made the story better, is in-game talking. Its a bit of a complicated story, and having to read all the text explaining it can be a tiny bit boring but I say its worth it in every way.
Next is the combat. The only thing wrong with it is the fact that it's initiated by random encounters. Random encounters is one of the few things that I find can pull me out of a game. Other then that, I see nothing to dislike about it. Spend about 5 seconds dodging the enemy's moves, then when your attack bar charges, return the favor by unloading a few rounds into them, followed by the occasional special move.
Next is the enemy's. P-E-R-F-E-C-T. The first official enemy you have to fight is a huge mutated rat, which comes with its own amazing cut seen of it mutating! You will also be encountering Mutated polar bears, Inside out bats, The classic greyhound, Giant spiders, Werewolf look'in things, And of course a T-Rex skeleton.
Now the characters. The main character, Aya Brea, Isn't really very memorable. as a matter of fact none of them are really. Except maybe the main baddie, Eve, but she goes through so many Kick ass mutations, shes hard not to like. The other character would be a lot more memorable if they talked... Its hard to even give them a likable personality when everything they say, I have to read.
Over all, Parasite Eve is an incredible game, and if you can get your hands on a copy, I highly recommend getting it.