Certainly an interesting game.

User Rating: 8 | Parasite Eve PS
Well, My brother is hyped up for Parasite Eve 3, and for a bit has been trying to get me into the series, so I figured, why not? I've got nothing to do.
When I started it up, I noticed it was by Square, the team behind both the Final Fantasy series, as well as Kingdom Hearts. But doing an M rated game? It has to have RPG elements if it's by them!
And to no surprise, it contains those elements.
Parasite Eve, or what I've played of it, is a very interesting game. It's not like anything by Square to date. [Except of course, it's Sequels]
Let's get into the first minutes of game play. You're supposed to go in a theater with your boyfriend, and then you see people catching on fire.
Woah. That's different. Within the first, say, 2 or 3 minutes of gameplay I see people on fire, and I didn't cause it? Weird.
To very little surprise, everyone besides you, and one of the actors, catches on fire. Oh, and your date, but he ran away. Pretty manly, eh? So then you see the battle system, which....The best way I can describe it....Is....Ummm....Final fantasy 4's Waiting to attack, and Eternal Darkness' Style of choosing your opponents. It works, sure, but still, can take a bit to get used to. Anything caught in your green wireframe of death can be murdered by your gun. I was delighted when I found out there were no swords, or nothing like them in this time, because I myself have been playing too many RPGs. The battle system also allows the usage of items during your turn. I don't know how standard medicine heals 45 health, but hey, I'll take all the help I can get.
So after the whole play scene, you find out you're playing as a Cop! I like that idea honestly, usually the cops only either cause an inconvenience, or get in the way. After you've entered her evil lair, you not only see a little girl who shouldn't be there, but also I find out in normal people's dressing rooms in Carnegie Hall, they have so many packs of six bullets to spare, they not only give them to the actors to store in lockers, but also to the nearby rats, who turn into evil mutated rats, or something close to it. Yup. I also found a gun in one of the dressing rooms. I was freaking out, not because a famous person had a gun in their room, but because to my knowledge, the gun only had 6 bullets. I was informed by my brother that "All the ammo was interchangeable".
That was confusing, because the Cop outside who I got a crapload of bullets from said that we had the same kind of gun, so we could trade off bullets.
I'm not usually picky about such things, but this makes no goddamn sense. It doesn't matter if the guns are Identical, hell, My brother even told me that the "Ammo" works for a Grenade Launcher. I don't know if there's truth to this, but if so, It's just plain weird.
The boss battles are difficult, but from Square, I expect no less. Thank god I found revives.
...Speaking of, What the hell can revive someone who has been set ablaze? If they have that crap, why not save all those people who die with it?
Nitpicking aside, it's a good game with lots of Fridge Logic. But a good game is a good game. I give it an eight.