Another Square game that's worth a look.

User Rating: 8.2 | Parasite Eve PS
In the PlayStation game Parasite Eve you take the role of Aya Brea, a New York Police Officer. During a opera everyone in the audience suddenly Spontaneous Combust's and Aya believe's it all the actor Eve doing but gets away. And know Eve is reckoning havok all over New York City and it's up to Aya to stop her.

The gameplay in PE is somewhat complex at first but easy to get use to. It's not an action game but a RPG. A cone will form around Aya and what ever is in that cone you can attack. Aya also has the ability to use magic such as heal and liberation which you have to level up too obtain. The controls aren't hard to learn just that when running still looks like walking.

The graphics are not bad for a PlayStation game areas are prerendered but they are not like Resident Evil where the controls are clumsy. The Cut Scenes are what make this game a looker.

The sound is almost good, the music is great but gunshots, creature sounds, and no voice acting to make the story a bit more real would have been great.

All in all Parasite Eve is a good game it just didn't get the attention it needed when it came out and it's short. It may not be like any other RPG's but it's one worth picking up.