Would've made a better survival horror game.

User Rating: 7.2 | Parasite Eve PS
I have to say, it definitely was interesting combining sci-fi thriller with role-playing (it being a genre jam-packed with medieval wannabes), but the way it was dealt with was rather out of place.

It is a very short game, but that is not what takes away from it. It is short for an RPG, but it truthfully could not have been made longer, and was an appropriate length for the plot.

The setting is wonderful. Being able to walk through an apparently haunted Central Park and a destroyed Carnegie Hall definitely kicks a considerable amount of butt, and the movie sequences seem like they were meant for a movie. Actually, the whole game seems like it would be a movie.

But it isn't. It's an RPG. And while you expect to beat down a rat that jumps out at you with a stick ala Silent Hill, instead the screen freezes and you're placed into a....bizarre dome. You can only shoot enemies within a certain range, and the entire system seems inappropriately limiting and out of place.

Parasite Eve tries to bridge two genres, and not with too much success. While it is a pretty fun game, it's not exactly memorable and rather simple in its structure. Play it if you're into survival horror, because this isn't a typical RPG.