Wanting So Much More....

User Rating: 8.1 | Parasite Eve PS
Although the game spans only six days, Parasite Eve is a very enjoyable game and should be at least looked at from RPG gamers.
You play as NYPD Aya Brea who is just going about a normal night. Her and her date enjoy the evening at the opera. Soon the evening turns to a freakish nightmare. Everyone in the theater suddenly bursts into flames except her and an actress on stage. Soon you embark on a hellish adventure through the city of New York to exterminate the actress known as "Eve." You visit familiar locations such as Central Park, Soho, and a secret adventure lying in the Chrystler Buliding.
What makes this game stand out are its' FMV sequences. One in particular that was graphically gorgeous was the mutation of the rat and dog.
However, many, along with myself, believe that this game is way too short. The story develops way too fast and sometimes gives a rushed feeling to the game which makes gamers uneasy. All that aside I think Parasite Eve is worth playing and is not a total disappointment.