While this might not be a 30+ hour RPG it still gives you a Fantasic battle system and The Story of a Contender

User Rating: 8.6 | Parasite Eve PS
Parasite Eve Is a fantastic RPG but many underrate for reasons I have no idea. The Story in this game starts as you playing as Ada (Wong I think) in New York . This isnt any stupid renegade cop thing so don't worry. You at a opera and people start combusting into flames and you then see how strangely the Singer is acting and you go from their I don't want to go too deep story because that would spoil it but I will say its pretty good . The Gameplay in this game in simply AMAZING. This is a Action RPG with a battle system that I have only seen in 2 games Vagrant Story and This game. The battle system is simple to understand to any RPG gamer . Its like this when in battle you can move freely and your enemy will too and when attacking you'll see a huge attack grid come up and if your enemy is in the gird you can attack them. You mainly use guns in this game so depending on your gun your grid will be larger or smaller . Also this game has all the in battle elements which you should expect from a RPG such as spells like cure , haste, stop , or power attacks. But you Also get to do things like switch armor and guns during battle . Any action you take will completely take up your whole time meter which gives the opportunity to do something. Last you have your basic magic meter which regenerates at a fixed speed in battle and if you use the whole bar up you give be momentarily exhausted. I think the Battle system in this game was Revolutionary but that's just me. The Environments in this game are totally realistic becuase you in New York and all the places in this game revolve around this city. The graphics in this game are good but could use improvement . On one hand the level details are awesome but then on the other hand the character models could use a little work. This game does have some awesome CGs though. This game does have a lot of value because when you finish the game you unlock a complete new part of the city and a extra mission. So you'll definitely want to look into that . This game has good tilt (don't know if that's how I should word that but w/e) from the great detail they put into weapon customization to the armor combos and the tons of weapons there are in this game Parasite Eve is a great RPG than anyone who like Rpgs should go get and that is underrated and underappreciated . Check out my other game reviews -Billy The Kid