If I wanted Resident Evil I would have played Resident Evil.

User Rating: 6.5 | Parasite Eve II (PSOne Books) PS
I love the original Parasite Eve. It had something that I wanted for years, and haven't seen since: A good RPG that wasn't fantasy-based. A real sci-fi, not those that are called one simply due to being futuristic (COUGH***Star Wars***COUGH). I even went to the extent of purchasing the Parasite Eve novel written by Dr. Hideaki Sena (the game was based on it). It was not only a great game, it was one of a kind. So why did they have to ruin what potential the first game had when they made this one?
I can see from the other reviews that I am going to recieve many (-) responses, but this has to be said. I can't understand why so many people who loved PE1 were satisfied with PE2. Calling this Parasite Eve 2 would be like titling the Mel Gibson movie "Ransom" Lethal Weapon 5 (I know, Lethal Weapon 4 wasn't out yet). Ransom was a good movie, but if they called it Lethal Weapon 4 (or 5) people would have been disappointed, as I was disappointed with this so-called Parasite Eve 2. I'm glad to see that they're titling the next one The 3rd Birthday due to its differences...They should have done the same with this one. I just didn't feel like I was playing PE, for more than one reason. The environment felt more like they were aiming toward Silent Hill, and the game-play like Resident Evil. I enjoy both Silent Hill and RE series, but that's not what I was playing here.
PE1 followed the plot of the mitochondria following Eve to take back control of existance. PE2 is full of spontaneous monsters, many of which feel out of place. A fire-breathing blob with tubes through its body wondering the Nevada desert? Seriously? After classic moments like the police dog mutating into "cerberus", this stuff just doesn't compare.
The shower seen was a waste of time. How perverted are gamers to need that in a game. Besides, I found it stupid that she was sleeping and showering in a motel that was crawling with creatures. Do you remember one moment in PE1 that Aya thought it was smart to take a nap in the museum? "I'm about to get mauled, but I really need a shower."
The settings are quite boring, particularly when compared to the original. PE1 was in New York, and half of this game is set in hick-ville county Nevada. I forced myself through this somewhat boring section of the game, hoping that it would get better. When I finally finished the "motel section" of the game and the characters jumped in the car to leave, the "Insert Disk 2" screen appeared. I said to myself "You have to kidding me. Half of this game is solving puzzles in a cheap motel in the middle of the Nevada desert?"
I have to admit that the game gets A GREAT DEAL better at this point, but being half way through the game it's pretty much too late. Not many people say "I love the 2nd half of Parasite Eve 2". A person can like this game on it's own, but calling this a great Parasite Eve sequel is ludicrous. Castlevania II: Simon's Quest was also a good game on it's own, but was a terrible sequel to the original. So go ahead and leave (-) responses, but I know I'm at least correct to an extent. The gamers have given this game an average of 8.5/10, almost the same score that Lost Odyssey recieved (8.6). No way is this game as good as Lost Odyssey.