One of PS1's unforgettable classics.

User Rating: 9 | Parasite Eve II (PSOne Books) PS
This is one of my favorite games ever, but especially on the PS1. It seems that PS1 was the golden age for Japanese style RPGs and action games, and this one is the perfect cross of the two. PE2 is far improved over PE1. It maintains a character movement and weapon aiming feel that seems inspired by the Resident Evil series (probably not a coincidence, seeing that it's a horror game). Yet, in addition to the gun based combat, there is a strong, versatile, and very useful magic system. Spells can be improved through investing points earned in combat toward improving certain categories of magic. I found the story and enemies, and especially the environments all very fun and entertaining! And the music is engaging and emotionally involving. The replay value of this game is huge, because depending on the way you beat it you can earn different bonus weapons and armor, and modes of play that mix things up. For example, a mode that places some of the games hardest enemies hidden through levels right from the earliest part.

I love this game so much, my only complaint is that Square never made a sequel...