A very fun, addicting game that really grabs your attention.

User Rating: 9.6 | Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door GC
If you see anybody giving this game a low score, they don't know good games when they see one. Although I dought you'll see someone give it a low score. . . . .Well anyways, You don't have to play the first game to know this one so it's ok if you haven't played the first one. You get totally new characters with different abilites that can help you in the game. There can be some humor in it but it's rated E so you can't expect it being hilarious. The only part about the game that I didn't like was Chapter 4. Play it and you'll see what I mean. Well I'll rap this up in a few more words: Any GameCube, RPG gamer should get this game and I guarantee you'll love it!