The Paper Mario Series Has To Be The Best Collection Of Games Ever!

User Rating: 9.5 | Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door GC
Well where do I start. I really can't rate this game high enough & even still I think the 1st one is the best. Although Super Paper Mario lets the series down a bit.

But anyway definitely for side quests and extra add-ons in the game it's makes it worth the money you pay for it as there is tons to do I've easily played 100 hours on this game. Badges to collect, tattles to do, recipes to make, problems to solve, 100 pit of trials, you can level the character as far as you want which makes it better than the 1st one in that sense but regardless there's things to do I've even missed off there.

The story could of done with being better, princess peach kidnapped (again) although by someone new this time and you can't miss bowser as he still makes a fair few appearances, you even play as him a few times. The graphics is one of the biggest sticking points as the worlds are colorful and great & all the extra moves you get are cool too, with 4 cool new paper moves you learn along the adventure you can do paper plane, paper boat, go wafer thin and sneak through holes or rolled up so you can sneak under things.

I have to say that the audio & sound effects are great as well some old school Mario tunes blended in with some new ones and some of the badges you collect produce sound effects when you use your hammer too. I think this is by far the best game for the GC, where as I think there were many great games for the N64 it was close, but this is the true stand out plus the money you pay for this game goes along way. It's a must buy!!!!