An online game that has almost around the clock GM service where you can ask them just about anything and you will help

User Rating: 8.9 | Pangya PC
- Beautiful commercial game graphics
- Easy controls
- Variety of different outcomes
- Great and fun way to socialize with people around the world
- Good tech support around the clock, there is always a GM (staff) around

If you're wonder that this must be another game with monthly fees then you're wrong.

NO FEES ever! No catch to this, just play it and see for yourself. This game is not only in english there are other versions of it, Korean, Japanese, Thai... They are also no fees.

How the heck they survive without fees?
Pangs are the game currency that you get from playing the game.
Cookies are another game currency you get from buying with real money.

So why buy cookies?
Well, it's to help the game out, that's the only way they make money from people who buy cookies. Cookies can buy exclusive items that give you more control, accuracy, power, spin, curve that normal pang items can't give.