Dreamcatcher gives ID software and Valve a run for their money with the taunt sequal to the original CPL fav Painkiller.

User Rating: 9.5 | Painkiller: Overdose PC
Like the title says, this installment of the Painkiller franchise is bound to make ID software and Valve some real competition for the mantle of; 'King of the FPS'. In this sequel to the CPL tournament title, Painkiller & PK Battle Out of Hell, Dreamcatcher has succeeded in keeping alive (and well) one of my favorite First Person Shooters. In so many FPS games, there is an urge to 'retool' the game or change the setting of the franchise in sequels; Quake to Quake 2 to Quake 3 comes to mind first. For many FPS gamers this trend leaves us 'flat' and wanting for something familiar (but new) to vent our day-to-day aggressions. I have a feeling, most of the time; these changes in sequels are more the result of 'focus groups', than input by the gamers that master these titles.
Dreamcatcher has resisted the urge to improve on perfection and turned out another Painkiller in the spirit of its first two titles in this franchise. "Kudos" to Dreamcatcher for sticking with what works, and what we 'hard core' FPS players liked the first time. Seriously, how can a developer improve on a Cyberathalete Professional League tournament title without staying with what made it the pros pick the first time around? You will find the; interface, graphics engine, weapons, settings, and controls are as familiar as your favorite sweatshirt but new like the one you got for Christmas.
The biggest change is the plot and 'where' you are sent to fight evil in this title. This time around you are a Demon/Angel that is fighting his way to pay Satan back for thousands of years of imprisonment in Purgatory. On the way you get to blow away; Civil War vets, the familiar ghouls and cadavers and some Demon bosses that top those in the first two installments and make the Bosses in Doom 3 and Quake 4 look like 'Children of the Corn' rejects. There is no 'Love Story' here, so lost/dead wife to reunite with just bloody vengeance and retribution to be doled out with your hands.
The game play is intense and, at times, frantic enough to get the most sedentary player's heart rate to race. The taunts and 'One Liners' are better than the first two titles and (so far) you do not have to kill any children to finish a level (or babies for that matter). The engine has, obviously, received some attention because it runs much smoother than the previous PKs but the graphics have not suffered in the process. So, if you enjoyed the original Painkiller and/or Battle Out of Hell you will want to be sure to pick this title up and add it to your collection (for $20 you just can't go wrong) but don't be surprised if you find yourself spending much more time hunting down Satan than you ever imagined. I can only hope that the CPL picks this title up for competition, like they did PK and BOOH, too. Simply a 'Must Have' for any FPS devotee.