Best shoot em up you will ever play simpily put the most fun you will ever have it is a masterpiece and should be played

User Rating: 9.5 | Painkiller: Black Edition PC
dosent everyone like shooting everything without thinking and blow everything to chunks well if you do painkiller is for you I got it a few years back after playing a kind of demo like disc at best buy for 10 bucks. so after that i was hooked it was amazing blood everywhere and guts lots of guts not to mension the blood did I all ready say that ohh well you get the picture it has blood but blood is not the only thing good about painkiller it is also the weapons ohh the weapons are really cool and fun to use for example pin your enemys to a wall with the stake gun and dont forget about the awesome painkiller just spin this baby around and watch em fly but I saved the best for last not to spoil the game for newbies but the rocketgun is awesome just freakin awesome so bottom line buy this game buy it you will not regret it I know I didnt but I have to say that the games was not perfect it had some flaws such as bad storyline and you cant play all the levels unless your a god at painkiller and play trama difficalty and all though the game is fun these flaws stop it from being perfect but do not let that stop you from buying it. So get stop reading this review and buy it