As you know, Pac-Man is one of the world's most famous arcade games. Many people in the world have played in arcades.

User Rating: 9 | Puck-Man ARC
As the review deck mentioned, Pac-Man is one of the most famous arcade games in the world. The only control in the game is move.

In case you have not played the game, Pac-Man's graphics were high-tech in its time. The object is to eat every single Pac-Dot for 256 boards. The game has no end, provided that you do not lose all of your lives. The four Ghosts are Blinky (red), Pinky (pink), Inky (light blue), and Clyde (orange). If Pac-Man is touched by a Ghost, he will lose one life. Pac-Man is the yellow character who is hungry for dots. The popular game's genre is maze. All of the mazes have 140 dots to eat. The game does not end until Pac-Man is eaten by Ghosts. It's an unfair matchup: 1 vs. 4. When you eat a Power Pellet, think of it as a powerplay in hockey. When the Ghosts are eaten, you get 200 for the 1st Ghost, 400 for the 2nd Ghost, 800 for the 3rd Ghost, and 1600 for the 4th Ghost. Its eyes return to the Ghost Home and gets regenerated. As you get to the higher levels, the Power Pellets last for a shorter period of time.

Be prepared to pay the quarters to play Pac-Man.