Need For Speed fanboys might want to try this but isn't it a little too much similiar to copying NFSUG?

User Rating: 9.5 | Overspeed: High Performance Street Racing PC
Overspeed: High Performance Street Racing is a very good racing game and is a must-have for any hardcore racing fan. In Overspeed, the physics are so intense and realistic you'll be watching your step. Screw up and make one mistake and you're done for. Overspeed also features the famous dashboard view that most racing games like Need For Speed dosen't have, at least not anymore. However, you'll be stuck with the dashboard view of the car and nothing else. You don't even get a rear view mirror!

Overspeed's FPS is quite good even when the graphics are adjusted to the max. It'll handle the game like nothing was actually adjusted! You'll be racing with opponents and wagering parts like tires, exhaust systems, engines and visual stuff. The game dosen't come with the cash thing you get in most other games like Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights. Overspeed's graphics are also decent but the vehicle modelling could do with some improvements. Nevertheless, a game does not depend on graphics to max out the sales. It depends on the gameplay. Your car can also take damage over time and damage can affect your vehicle's performance. For example, if you damage the front left tire seriously, you'll be steering right without touching the right key button. The storyline and a lot of other stuff looks like(and probably) they were copied from Need For Speed Underground(2003) except you don't get traffic and crowd in Overspeed. There's no multiplayer yet so we'll have to wait for servers to start cropping up. In the meantime, use hamachi. Time to take your eyes off your fancy graphics Need For Speed.