Corruption - are you evil or really evil?""

User Rating: 8 | Overlord: Raising Hell PS3
This game was one of the first games that I got when I first got my ps3. Now I did download the demo and liked it. When the game got released shortly after I liked it even more. Codemasters are usually known for the colin mcrae games of old so this was something of a new direction for them.

Overlord is about you playing an evil overlord and in a nutshell the rest of the world has gone bad - real bad and as the new overlord you need to restore the balance as in some areas there is dark magic at work or in one area the very king that killed your predacessor is causing all sorts of grief by turning his people into zombies.

The game offers a very lush color palate and it shows in all the environments, of particular note is the games main portal hub called meadow hills. Also the way the fire burns grass is outstanding as it travels away from you and progessively burns more.

Now as the overlord you control these little creatures called minnions. They look more or less like gremlins. There are 4 different types as well, so the game is not just your typical RPG hack and slash. It also incorporates strategy as well thanks to the four unique abilties of the 4 classes.

The browns as they are called, are your fighters and can deal out a decent amount of damage, when they pick up weapons and armour they get stronger. Oh and armour to these guys is anything not bolted down. (They also for some bizarre reason like to wear the heads of dead bad guys on their heads.)

The next ones are the reds, they are not very good at fighting but can hurl fire and absorb fire which enables you to get past areas blocked by fire.

The greens can obsorb poison and put out the poison puff plants. They also have a swarm attack where they all jump on an enemy's back and take them out. When you set them to a guard maker they go invisible.

The last ones are the blues, they are the weakest fighters, but are the only ones capable of going in water, the other 3 classes die if they do. Also they can ressurect any minnions who have died.

The game world itself is pretty big and there is heaps of quests to do. For those of you who like an RPG with elements of strategy and depth then this is the one for you. It also sports online play as well and everytime I have been on to use it, there has never been other people on.

Sound nothing special but the way the fruit goes squish is just right.

Music is not too over bearing that you can't hear what is going on, but at the same time keeps the mood going.

Graphics are the games shining star by far, the way water looks and moves when you walk through it is just spot on. The lushness in grass and trees is so well done there are simply no flaws.