This game is just pure fun!

User Rating: 8.5 | Overlord X360
I was very interested in this game when I saw it so I decided to research it a bit before I bought it. All the reviews told me is that it was buggy and should be worried about it ruining the game. Well I have to say that is a bunch of lies because I have played this entire game and now going to buy the expansion Raising Hell and beat it on Legendary and I have not encountered any slow down or crashes ever.
Gameplay 9/10
I thought the gameplay was very well done because there are a number of different ways of making yourself more powerful and completing different missions. The difficulty was just right because if you dont beat a certain part the first time chances are if you just go collect more minions youll beat it the second time.
Sound 8.5/10
The sound was good but nothing was too spectacular. The minions voices I thought were hilarious and very well done.
Graphics 9/10
Reviews always talk about the framerate issues and blah blah blah, I personally never encountered any of that. The Overlord looks really bad *** once you get the advanced armor and the minions, bosses, and main enemies are very well animated.
Story 8.5/10
The story was pretty straight forward in the beginning but it picks up and some twists and turns happen, but overall if you dont expect it do be amazing it well be just fine.
I wasnt expecting that much out of the game and after playing it I am going to buy the downloadable content and am looking forward to the sequel Overlord II.