Play it It is great !

User Rating: 10 | Overlord II PC
Evil. It is the center point for a lot of video games these days, as many tell the story of a brave and good character going up against the forces of evil and eventually vanquishing them in a tour de force. After that, all is well in the land, peace reigns and everyone can start hugging puppies and kittens until they feel sick.Remember the firs Overlord where you get to pillage and destroy every thing that stay in your way overlord 2 returns with more fun more mayhem and more minions that ever.Taking control over the son of the previous overlord the game is in another age.The game is more fun and more you get to do more things than the first like sitting on the throne and viewing and audience.You also get to have several mistress.The game concentrates on the fight with the empire and you could be 2 types of overlord.Destruction and Domination wich one will you chose?The game is great you should try it !