the overlorddddddddddddddd ....hrrrrrrrrrr...fluffy things....seal's can steal your soul!!!:))

User Rating: 9 | Overlord II PC
I was waiting for this sequel for a long time ...didnt expect much when I first saw that it will appear but my expectation were blown trough the roof....
it's so great it made me's a must have for all the overlord and overlord rising hell fans out there...I got a little dissapointed that the story of first overlord wasn't continued in the way I thought it would be...but the game removes that dissapoinment in about 5 min so I dont mind
it's so addictive that I played 3 long days with minimal pause...why ...dunoo....I love the minions....I love the mounts....the graphic is great, gameplay great, story line great...I was a little shocked when I saw the roman empire in the game but what can I say....a game is got to do what a game is got to do
so to finish the review : "IS GOOD TO TAKE IT EASY....BUT TO TAKE IT!!!"