The first Overlord was way better. But this one is still a litttle fun.

User Rating: 6 | Overlord II PC
I spent hundreds of fun hours playing the first overlord. This one, well the first few hours i knew it was not going to be as fun. It's still chalenging, fun to kill and rule an empire. Wheres the ability to upgrade my weapons as soon as i get them?

Seeing to hard spent hours of harvesting life force for an hour or two the spending it all on a weapon or armor then kicking some hard ass afterwards. Before going to my final battle getting my armor with atleast 3000 minion sacrafices on it.Well those who played the first Overlord and really loved it i suggest you dont buy this game unless you want to try it out for your self of course.

By the way. One cool add to the game was the Empire. Cool to see large forces to fight with large forces. Also maybe after they dropped the weapons and shields your minions could pick them up would be a nice touch.